Venison is lean, green and good for you. Red meat contains iron, and venison has little fat.
Free range animals taste better, and contain more of the minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 and 6 that are vital to human health. Our deer are not fed grains, and are not treated with vaccines or other chemicals, unless necessary.
Our animals free range in social groups that allow them to express their instinctive behaviours.
Animals required for meat production are only transported to the family owned abattoirs as necessary and processed within minutes of arriving at the facility, greatly reducing stress and improving meat quality. Our boning rooms are also within the locavore limit of 100 miles - all reducing environmental impact.
The welfare of our animals and the quality of the products we produce are carefully overseen at all stages of production by us. As hands on owner farmers we care about our livestock and the products we produce. We have been farming deer for over thirty years, producing consistently high quality meat and deer products.

whole carcass
approx 50kg
$12.00 per kilo
venison backstrap
Special price!! $50.00 per kilo

venison leg primals
Rump, Topside Silverside and Round $30.00 per kilo

venison eye fillet
Special price!! $60.00 per kilo

venison sausages
$25.00 per kilo

venison mince
wholesale quantity bulk bag $20.00 per kilo

venison chuck
$18.00 per kilo

vension blade
$20.00 per kilo

venison gravy
$18.00 per kilo
extra 10%
other cuts available
eg racks, saddles, special orders POA
Please contact us for our Wholesale price list